Art of Characterization of Tughlaq


 Art of characterization of Tughlaq

The Sultan Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq is the central figure of the play, Tughlaq. He is the protagonist/ antagonist of the play. Many of the critics are of the opinion that Karnad’s Tughlaq is a caricature of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru. He is very intelligent and works very hard for the people. He becomes successful to kill Sheikh Imam-ud-din and Ain-ul-Mulk in a single stroke. This double-facades of Tughlaq can be compared with modern politicians. 

Karnad’s use of various symbols in Tughlaq is a part of dramatic technique through which he tries to explore the “inner landscape of the dramatic persona.” in this context, Aziz and Aazam, chess, python and lastly, the prayer are the striking symbol. 

Girish Karnad’s Tughlaqis based on a historical figure of Tughlaq who reigned Delhi for more than two decades. The play is full of actions. On the one hand, Tughlaq is involved in achieving the throne and on the other hand, Aziz is involved in deceiving the people. On the parts of both, they are deceptive and commit intrigue to achieve the objective. Azizdisguises and deceives the people whereas Tughlaq observes cunning ways to destroy his enemies. When the play begins the characters are talking about the Sultan. The Sultan is a controversial character. Some people talk in favour of him whereas some people blame him. The murder shown on the stage, the bloodshed reported and how the people died in their journey to Daulatabad from Delhi; all these actions lead the audience to suspect the wisdom of the Sultan.


Tughlaq, being primarily a history play dealing with the last five years of the reign of Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq,, the fourteen-century sultan of Delhi.some of them are meant for the comic purpose; a few others reflect the chaotic political atmosphere, the reactions & revolts due  to sultan’s liberal policies. Muhammad is a dominant tragic hero whose tragedy lies in his dualism of  the man and the hero.this is why Muhammad's character is developed at the expense of other characters in the play, however, whatever limited role they have to play is highly significant.

Aziz and Aazam, Aziz and Aazam have been introduced in with the popular dramatic convention as, to which theatre audience respond readily. they serve the dramatic purpose of providing comic relief to the audience in order to relieve their tension. the only fault of Aziz is that he expects too much to achieve his goal.

Najib, Originally he is a Hindu, but being a wily politician he converts himself and becomes a Muslim.this is a political move.he knows Muhammad's secular views that he wishes to establish communal harmony in his kingdom. he thus expresses his faith in Islam.

Frank and loyal, Muhammad trusts him because he always liked Najib's frankness and loyalty. When Muhammad gets agitated after killing sahib-ud-din and issue an order to banish prayers. 

Barani, the Historian Girish karnad has drawn the character of barani from history. Barani was a great scholar and historian and so he organized by Muhammad-bin-tughlaq in his court. 

Being very skilled in the art of characterization Girish Karnad’s characters are of various types. Karnad has introduced a politician like Najib, a historian like Barani, the religious-like Imam-ud-din, the thinkers like a stepmother, a friend turned foe like Sihab-ud-din, the comic like Aziz and Aazam. In Tughlaqthe characters are not either all the good or all bad. They are a mixture of opposites, vices and virtues and the best example is the Sultan. The common men of the country hold contradictory opinions about him. The old find him irreligious, anti-Islam and a romantic whereas the young people call him truly religious human and an idealist. Karnad’s art of characterization is based on the principles of life which are an amalgam of contrasting elements. In the play also a number of characters are seen who present contrast. The Sultan himself is a contrast to all the people of the state –the idealist against the practical human beings. Najib and Barani also are contrasting characters. Najib is a politician whereas Barani is a historian. Barani has faith in courage, honesty and justice while Najib mocks at these words. Barzani's way of thinking is different. The contrast, in the thinking of Aziz and Aazam, enhances the interest of the play. Karnad makes the story of Aziz and Aazam run parallel to that of the Sultan.

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