Character Of Miss Kilman

   Character of Miss Kilman From Mrs. Dalloway

Miss Kilman

                Mrs. Dalloway, novel by Virginia Woolf published in 1925. it examines one day in the life of Clarissa dalloway , an upper class landowner married to  a member of parliament. Mrs . dalloway is essentially plot-less,What action there is takes place mainly in the character consciousness. the novel addresses the nature of time in personal experience through multiple interwoven stories particularly that of Clarissa as she prepares for and hosts a party and that at the mentally damaged war veteran septimus warren smith.

Elizabeth's history teacher,who has German ancestry. Miss kilman has a history degree and was fired from a teaching job during the war because of society's Anti-German prejudice. She is over forty and wears an unattractive mackintosh coat because she doesn't dress to please. she became a born again Christian two years and three months ago. She is dislikes Clarissa intensely but adores Elizabeth.

Miss Doris kilman is in love with Elizabeth an attractive that Clarissa finds repulsive. so repulsive in fact, that Clarissa thinks at Miss kilman as a monster Clarissa is of course afraid that  miss kilman will take Elizabeth away from her. thats how it works .more impotently, through,her repulsion comes from the fact that surprise miss kilman.

Miss kilman sits at the opposite end of the social scale as Clarissa. she is poor , single,over-educated and ugly . she has worked for everything she has,including the frumpy green mackintosh that serves as a reminder of her poverty.

Having lost her job for not agreeing that all Germans were villains , miss kilman lacks the blind patriotism that would allow her to fit in as you can imagine, that makes her pretty darn lonely. her life is a struggle is every way. Which leads her to resent all of the privileges that Clarissa takes for granted. The social gulf between Clarissa and miss kilman is huge , and it doesn't look like thats changing anytime soon.

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