“ love let us be true to one another “. how does address a personal crisis born out of the social-temporal anxiety or the victoiran era ?

Arnold's "Dover beach", published in 1867, is regarded as his best lyrical poem.it is an elegy. In it the poet bemoans the loss of faith and peace of mind. This poem is a memorable expression of Arnold's melancholy and pessimistic view of life. It embodies the dough, despair, destruction that obsess man's mind and lead him to utter bewilderment, Arnold's conception of life as a struggle of men, fighting like shorab and rustum eneeloped in the darkness of ignorance, is repeated in the concluding lines of the poem :


And we are here as on a darling plain

Swept with confused alarms of struggle and fight,

Where ignorant armies clash by night.


The poet advises his beloved to be true to each other. The world they belongs to, though appearing to be beautiful, varied and dreamy, is devoid of joy, love, peace, certainty and light. It is actually a dark gloomy place, full of confusion and frustration, where men are engaged in fighting with one another meaninglessly and purposelessly. 

Ah it is an expression of grief and frustration. Love express beloved. True represent faithful. let us be true to one another --- the poet asks his beloved to be faithful to each other, for the world. The world they see seems to be dreamy, varied, beautiful and new. Hath for pain the world is actually devil of cheer, love, light, certainty, peace and help for the distresses. It is a dark, gloomy, selfish world. Darkling plain--- a dark , dreary place. Swept with -- pervaded by. Alarms of struggle and fight-- men have created a fearful situation in the world because they have engaged themselves in struggle and fight. The world has become a battle field, armies do not know what the are fight for to lie. The word ‘dreams’ this line provides an example of simile. Here the world is compared to a dreamy land.

'Dover beach' is one of the poems of Arnold , that are expressive of his pessimistic view of life and the world. It is a short poem, but it embraces a great rang and depth of significance. It epitomizes the painful mysteries of life, which are valid in the world. It expresses Arnold's attitude to the sea and reveals his observation of men and the world, that constitutes the theme of not only this poem but almost of all the poems of the poet. The feelings of misery and melancholy throbs in this poem, and by the development of science, utilitarian philosophy in his age, that called for a fresh adjustment of values. To Arnolds, the world is a vale o tears, a place to endure and to suffer. The poet bemoans the loss of faith and peace of mind in this poem. Melancholy prevails everywhere. The activities of nature are the indicative of his sadness and pessimism.

'Dover beach' is a beautiful lyrical poem. Lyricism is one of the most characteristics, and it lends a special charm to the poem. The style of the poem is marked by the classic sateliness. It has wonderful grace and charm. Lucidity, restraint and proportion constitute the mode of poetic expression of the poet, it is a meditative poem, and the slow, majestic movement of the verse befits his meditation.


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